"Transmit, bring to life and develop the traditional popular culture of Upper Brittany"
The Association
H istory
It was in October 1984, under the influence of Gérard Malard, that some Cessonnais practicing Breton dances in the festoù noz of the region, created the Celtic circle of Cesson-Sévigné.
Essentially formed, originally, of a group of dancers trained by musicians from Fougères, the circle was, in 1986, enriched with ringers and musicians, thus allowing the creation within the association of a bagad, an accordion section and a Celtic harp section. 1998 saw the birth of a dance workshop for children. Then in 1999, a history and sea songs workshop was created.
Affiliating with Bodadeg Ar Sonerion for the bagad section and the Kendalc'h confederation for the dance section, the circle has started its sections on the path of competitions. The scenic ensemble reached the 2nd category in 1993, then the 1st category in 2003. Their musical entertainment is provided either by their musical group or by their bagad (2nd category since 1999).
In 2005, the circle left Kendalc'h to join the other Breton dance confederation War'l Leur, where it was first recognized as one of the best 2nd category ensembles (evaluation 2+), then as one of the best groups in Brittany, reaching 1st category in 2008 without ever going down again.
2011 saw the redefinition of the Breton cultural landscape in Cesson-Sévigné, with the creation of a new association bringing together musical activities and in particular bagad. The Celtic circle, a historical association, has refocused its activities around dance, costume and live performance.
In September 2015, a new section of choreographic studies was created within the Celtic Circle of Cesson-Sévigné. After having directed the traditional choreographic ensemble of the circle for 10 years, Yann Busnel decided to found the Keanoz Company. His artistic approach is based on "temporal mixing" through resolutely modern creations, at the crossroads between 19th century traditions and 21st century revolutions.
The traditional choreographic section continues to climb the ranks to reach the highest category of the War'l Leur confederation (1+) in 2016.
In 2020, the circle is affiliated with the new unique Breton dance confederation Kenleur, resulting from the merger of the two historic confederations, Kendalc'h and War'l Leur.
Today, the Cercle Celtique les Perrières de Cesson-Sévigné has 68 members divided into 2 sections: The leisure workshops and the traditional choreographic ensemble.
C'est en octobre 1984, sous l’influence de Gérard Malard, que quelques cessonnais pratiquant les danses bretonnes dans les festoù noz de la région, créaient le cercle celtique de Cesson-Sévigné.
Essentiellement formé, à l’origine, d’un groupe de danseurs entraînés par des musiciens de Fougères, le cercle s’est, dès 1986, enrichi de sonneurs et de musiciens, permettant ainsi la création au sein de l’association d’un bagad, d’une section d’accordéons et d’une section de harpe celtique. 1998 voyait la naissance d’un atelier de danses pour enfants. Puis en 1999, un atelier d’Histoire et de chants marins a été créé.
S’affiliant à Bodadeg Ar Sonerion pour la section bagad et à la confédération Kendalc’h pour la section danse, le cercle a engagé ses sections sur la voie des concours. L'ensemble scénique accède à la 2e catégorie en 1993, puis à la 1re catégorie en 2003. Leur animation musicale est assurée soit par leur groupe musical, soit par leur bagad (2e catégorie depuis 1999).
En 2005, le cercle quitte Kendalc'h pour s'affilier à l'autre confédération de danse bretonne War’l Leur, où il a d’abord été reconnu comme l’un des meilleurs ensembles de 2e catégorie (évaluation 2+), puis comme un des meilleurs groupes de Bretagne en atteignant la 1re catégorie en 2008 sans jamais redescendre par la suite.
S ections
To join the association and register for one or more sections, just click here:
Join the Circle
Membership of the association: 5 €
Registration per section: 35 €
Reduced price (Student, job seeker): 25 €
Support us by becoming a "Benefactor of the association" :
Les Cercle Celtique Les Perrières de Cesson-Sévigné is recognized as an association of general interest. As such, you can make donations that will be tax deducted from your taxes:
60% of the amount paid to Perrières will be deducted from your taxes.
Example: € 60 paid to Perrières = € 40 deducted from your taxes
Benefactor of the association: € 5 membership + your donation