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The Pro Space

"To program us, support us or communicate!"


D ocuments

(Cliquez pour télécharger)

Plaquette de présentation

Fiche technique 
Spectacle scénique

Fiche technique 
Spectacle de rue


S ponsors

They decided to support us! Why not you?

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W hy support us?

In order to help us cultivate and perpetuate our passion, you can become sponsors of the Cercle Celtique Les Perrières de Cesson-Sévigné.

Many projects are being created but we need your support to make them a reality:  

First of all, every year we have to buy back fabrics to create or adapt our costumes to the show.  Added to this are the costs of the seamstress who makes each garment to measure for our dancers. This corresponds to around a hundred hours of work per year.

An even more important issue is to preserve our musicians within our association. Indeed, our 6 musicians are professionals who volunteer their time for each rehearsal and performance of our shows. Our wish would be to manage to pay them for each of our outings and services so that they can continue to work in our Circle.

We are deeply convinced that we share common values: particular attention to the quality of the service offered, the desire to develop and continue to satisfy, the originality of a concept are all values that can unite us. .

For that, here is what we offer: 

F Celtic Circle of sponsorship ormules The Perrières Cesson

Formula 1: from 50 to 199 Euros 

  • Showcase your business with posts on Facebook and Instagram

  • Highlighting your identity on our website


Formula 2: 200 to 499 € 

  • Showcase your business with posts on Facebook and Instagram 

  • Highlighting your identity on our website

  • Ticket offer for our events

  • Offer of a space to showcase your products on our stand  


Formula 3: 500 € and more 

  • Showcase your business with posts on Facebook and Instagram 

  • Highlighting your identity on our website

  • Ticket offer for our events

  • Offer of a space to highlight your products on our physical store

  • Distribution of goodies or your products on our events

  • Possibility of entertainment during a company evening organized by you 

Téléchargez notre dossier de partenariat : 
Formulaire à compléter en annexe

Dossier inactif : en cours de réalisation

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Pour tout renseignement :


G allery

Pour télécharger une photo, cliquez dessus pour l'agrandir puis clissez là sur votre bureau.
(Pour des photos de qualité supérieure, merci de nous contacter)

Si vous souhaitez diffuser ces photos, merci de citer le nom du groupe :
"Cercle Celtique Les Perrières de Cesson-Sévigné" ainsi que le nom du photographe.


L inks

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