P resentation
In the heart of the Rennes region, the choreographic ensemble of the Cercle Celtique Les Perrières de Cesson-Sévigné is a traditional dance group that works to enhance the dance, song and sartorial heritage of Upper Brittany.
With its innovative and contemporary staging, and its original and modern music, the Les Perrières ensemble places itself at the crossroads between tradition and modernity to continue to keep Breton culture alive and evolving.
Force of renewal and recognized on the Breton scene among the best Celtic circles, it offers each year creations of live shows, around dance, music, song and theater.

A fervent defender of dance in its traditional form, the circle works every year with the referents of the dances chosen for its shows, in order to present them in their collected form. The choreography is then written to showcase the style and spirit of these dances.
This troupe of 20 dancers and 6 musicians was recognized by the War'l Leur confederation as one of the best Celtic circles by ranking in the highest category (1+) with five other ensembles in 2018 and 2019. It ranks today 'hui in the Excellence category of the new Kenleur confederation.

Each year, the Perrières present a new original creation of twenty minutes in the various Breton festivals but also everywhere in France (Var, Provence, Landes in 2015, Loiret in 2017, Vendée in 2019) and abroad (Turkey, Spain, Romania, Portugal,…). Beyond the simple presentation of dances, Les Perrières offer a complete show, all the dances being choreographed and staged to “live” music, also including light and video when technical conditions allow it.
D éfilés
The Perrières also take part in the various parades organized in Brittany in order to showcase their costumes from the Rennes region, so different from the costumes from Lower Brittany that the public is used to seeing. This allows spectators to discover all the diversity of Breton sartorial heritage.

I nitiation

Through its desire to share its culture and its passion, the Cercle Celtique Les Perrières de Cesson-Sévigné also offers activities to present in detail the dances of its region as well as its costumes. We also regularly run introductions to dance, which are very popular with the public.

C ostumes
The costumes of the traditional Les Perrières de Cesson-Sévigné ensemble are faithful reproductions reconstituted from lithographs, photos or original pieces, depending on the period. Particular care has been taken to respect the quality of the fabrics, the cut, the style of the seamstresses of yesteryear and the art of fitting costumes and headdresses. Going from the beginning of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, more than ten clothing styles have been reconstructed and are worn regularly by the troupe, according to choreographic needs.

1820-1840 : Work and bourgeois costumes
1860-1880 : Ceremonial and wedding costumes
1890-1910 : Costumes of craftswoman and peasant
1900-1920 : Ceremonial and work costumes
1920 - 1930 : Wedding suit
1940 - 1945 : “civilian” costumes

C oiffes

1820 - 1840 : Grande Catiole:
Headdress at the origin of many headdresses in Brittany which has endured in the Rennes region.
1850 - 1870 : Baby doll:
In embroidered tulle, it will disappear completely at the beginning of the 20th century.
1860 - 1880 : Catiole in embroidered tulle:
Scope "rebraced", it was the most widespread in the Rennes basin at that time.
1880 - 1940 : Polka:
Very popular headdress at the beginning of the 20th century, it consists of a cap enhanced with a lace frill knot placed on the upper chest.
1920 - 1940 : Butterfly:
Evolution of the Catiole which has shrunk over the years to measure only twenty centimeters unfolded at the end of the tradition.
Five headdresses are presented and worn by the dancers of the circle:
M usic
With 6 musicians, the musical group of Perrières consists of a diatonic accordion, a saxophone, a bassoon, a piano, a bass and a drums. This atypical composition allows the group to obtain a truly original sound and to be able to vary the musical colors. Thus, their music takes on accents sometimes jazzy, sometimes rock or even classical music according to the atmospheres sought in the show.

These numerous artistic possibilities make it possible to precisely match the staging and each movement of the dancers. Indeed, all the airs performed are original creations composed from the choreographies.
This precise work of composition and the quality of interpretation of the different musicians was rewarded in 2018 by the Music Coup de Coeur of the Confederation War'l Leur.
Find all the music of the Celtic Circle Les Perrières de Cesson-Sévigné in our different albums on sale at the store!
C reations
2024 Tous dans la rue !
2022 Tai mai
2018 R ésist'danse
2016 Il y avait une faï...
2014 L'Alcazar

2022 May have T
2019 F olles years
2017 Dansez!
2015 Reflet
2012 Comper

Retrouvez l'intégralité de ces deux spectacles longs en DVD en vente à la boutique !
Rejoignez-nous !
L'Ensemble Chorégraphique Traditionnel recrute !
Si vous êtes passionnés de danse bretonne et que vous souhaitez partager cette passion sur scène avec le public alors n'hésitez plus et venez rejoindre le groupe scénique du Cercle Celtique Les Perrières de Cesson-Sévigné ! L'ensemble chorégraphique traditionnel c'est des répétitions tous les vendredis et un dimanche par mois mais c'est surtout une dizaine de prestations chaque été aux quatre coins de la Bretagne dans les plus grands festivals. Mais avant tout, notre groupe scénique c'est du partage, de la joie, de la bonne humeur et beaucoup de plaisir !
Si vous avez encore un doute, venez pousser la porte de notre salle de répétitions pour découvrir l'ambiance et le fonctionnement du groupe.
Un essai de 3 répétitions gratuites est possible sans engagement.

Ensemble chorégraphique traditionnel :
Tous les vendredis
De 19h45 à 22h30
Espace sportif de Bourgchevreuil
Salle annexe
1, Boulevard de Dézerseul
35510 Cesson-Sévigné
Contact :
Rémy Barbot